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Is there a structural difference between Nerve cells in the Somatic and Autonomic Nervous Systems

Do the actual nerve cells in the Somatic and Autonomic Nervous Systems have a different structure or chemical make up or are they the same thing just separate systems?
Mike's user avatar
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Mental stress inducing task

Mental arithmetic stress test is used widely to induce mental stress in laboratories. Can this test induce stress to those who are really good at mental calculation or enjoy mental math?
bubai sarkar's user avatar
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What are some examples of psychosis in people who have major depression?

What are some examples of psychosis in people who have major depression? Especially how do delusions show up? "Experiencing psychosis can be frightening and confusing, and psychosis can present ...
Dan Z's user avatar
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Assuming a neuron does not reach activation, what is the rate of repolarization in the absence of new stimulus?

How long does it take for a neuron to return to it's resting state, due to absence of further stimulus?
Eric's user avatar
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Is there a real benefit to starting grade 1 at a older age? If so, why?

I think that some people think people should start school at the normal age instead of older because they claim they might become too old to learn. I learned from
Timothy's user avatar
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Why do teenage girls "fall in love" with idols?

Why do teenage girls "fall in love" with idols they never met? This behaviour is much more uncommon (if it happens at all) among teenage boys (At least in my experience. I also did a quick survey ...
d-b's user avatar
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In Bowen theory, what is the different between Emotion and Feeling

I'm reading Family Evaluation and Bowen/Kerr keep referring to Emotion and Feeling. Those seem like the same thing to me, so I'm wondering what the difference is between them. Example: "Objectivity ...
Daniel Watrous's user avatar
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If a two-tailed test shows significance and the mean is higher, can you infer that one condition is significantly higher?

Condition A has M=5, SD=1 Condition B has M=10, SD=1 If a two-tailed test gives p<.05, can you infer that Condition B was significantly higher than Condition A without conducting a one-tailed ...
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What is the evolutionary advantage of being embarrassed?

What I am trying to understand is why do I feel embarrassed in certain situation. E.g. when I'm talking to people, why do I think about being judged or sounding stupid that would result me in ...
Zammy Page's user avatar
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Homogeneous Poisson Process of spike train

In Theoretical Neuroscience by Dayan and Abbott page 25, the probability $P[t_1, t_2, ..., t_n]$ that a sequence of n spikes occurs with spike $i$ falling between times $t_i$ and $t_i+\Delta t$ ...
MoneyBall's user avatar
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Is decision making inference?

Inference is the process of generating further premises from information. Sperber et al (2012) write: 'An inference, as the term is used in psychology, is a process that, given some input information ...
Poul's user avatar
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Are we programmed to live together? [duplicate]

In general, the humane tendency is to couple with only one person and to be faithful to one's only partner. So dating someone else is very poorly looked. But there are in some parts of Africa, for ...
PaulieJackdaw's user avatar
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Handedness bias in Raven's Matrices

A few years ago I tried a Raven's Matrices IQ test on the Internet. In every test the bottom right element had to be deduced and this could always be done by scanning the first two rows to determine ...
Chris Barry's user avatar
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Analysis of accuracy data?

I have accuracy data, where every subject gives a correct, i.e. 1 or wrong, i.e. 0 answer. However every subject performs 190 trials in each session, with 10 sessions in total. To analyze the data I ...
B. Lambrev's user avatar
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Is there a mindfulness meditation technique that tends to produce gamma rhythms in the brain (and not just the alpha frequencies that are typical)?

This is a follow up to a paper (^) that was cited in a response to one of my past questions here. It was found that experienced Buddhist monks generate a substantial increase in gamma waves on demand ...
Wuschelbeutel Kartoffelhuhn's user avatar
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Are there any online survey/questionnaire makers which allow use of sound clips?

I am looking to create an online data collection tool which would involve questions where a short sound clip is played, and the respondents would need to use a rating scale (possibly a slider) to ...
Lenna's user avatar
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Can frissons provide an accurate metric to gauge emotional intelligence?

This relates to my other post Frissons on demand. As is stated in the abstract of the cited source below (which discusses voluntarily controlled piloerection), the ability correlates with personality ...
geocalc33's user avatar
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What does Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi mean by Nautilus?

I'm not sure that this is the best site for the question but given it is a psychology book I figured better here than nowhere. I'm reading flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and on page 47 the following ...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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What did Carl Jung mean by "subjectivization of consciousness"?

I am reading "Psychological Types" by Carl Jung and I came across this sentence: But it is a characteristic peculiarity of the introvert, which is as much in keeping with his own inclination as ...
J.Smith's user avatar
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At what point does a human become self-aware?

What are the conditions for being self-aware? If this answer can not be answered by naming specific traits, behavior unique to a self-aware being, complexity of development or other tangible concepts, ...
marko-36's user avatar
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What is the term for the rhetorical, "How hard could it be?"

I looked through the wikipedia page listing cognitive biases looking for a bias that describes the tendency to assume a poorly understood problem must be simple. Planning fallacy is kind of in the ...
jwepurchase's user avatar
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To what degree do fetishes differ from conventional sexual orientation?

If a person can develop - through some function of psychology/imprinting - an explicit attraction to some object (objectophilia - and in some cases, such individuals go so far as to have fully ...
John's user avatar
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How to improve working memory in adults?

Think Better on Your Feet: How to Improve Your Working Memory in: A Man's Life, Money & Career Brett and Kate McKay • September 20, 2016, Last updated: October 17, 2018 https://www.artofmanliness....
Daniel Mera's user avatar
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In operant conditioning, how do you get the subject to "pull the lever" for the first time?

We're taught early on that the rat is placed within the following setup. In that diagram, there are no potential distractions for the rat. There's only a lever. 1) Does the rat simply 'discover' the ...
ARMATAV's user avatar
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Why doesn't psychology impose higher standards to solve its replication crisis?

This question is inspired by a previous one on Physics.SE. If we believe the answer to that question, particle physics doesn't suffer nearly as much from the reproducibility crisis because it has much ...
Allure's user avatar
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how to correctly determine false alarm rate (in a specific experimental setup)

i have a specific experimental setup (at least i think so :) It's a replication and i don't know how to correctly determine the false alarm rate for the visual fields since in the article i replicate ...
Jakub Paszulewicz's user avatar
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Does there exist a theatre effect?

In a lecture by a Chinese CEO with a consulting background, I learned an effect called 剧场效应 (can be transliterated into 'theatre effect' in English, here is a reference) and I can explain that a bit ...
Lerner Zhang's user avatar
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task-fMRI to determine TMS site (online stimulation with that same task)?

I am planning an experiment whereby rTMS would be administered to subjects while they perform a language task, with the hopes of improving performance on this task as compared to sham stimulation. ...
z8080's user avatar
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Has ordering people along a Ape to Human diagram, as a measure of dehumanization for people in general, been validated in any way?

Has ordering people along a Ape to Human diagram, as a measure of dehumanization for people in general, been validated in any way? Because it seems, if confronted with such a diagram and asking people ...
Malady's user avatar
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Can signals from the prefrontal cortex alone trigger a readiness potential in the pre-supplementary motor area?

Background In Haggard, Patrick. "Human volition: towards a neuroscience of will." Nature Reviews Neuroscience 9.12 (2008): 934., the author states in the caption of Figure 1 (pg. 4): The ...
Wuschelbeutel Kartoffelhuhn's user avatar
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Decrease in d' with concurrent increase of criterion

I was reading about an experimental condition where subjects d' (sensitivity) decreases, while at the same time their criterion is increasing (a shift to the right). The authors were arguing with a ...
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Clear definition of ego

Is there a clear definition of the ego which is accepted by the neuroscientific community? I have seen a previous post (What do id, ego and super-ego exactly mean?) but this definition is for the ...
Nick H's user avatar
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Is there a specific term for the notion of storing "algorithms" in human memory?

It seems to me that there is a pretty sharp distinction between storing a "fact" like "Chickens are birds" and storing an algorithm or routine like "how to multiply two 3-digit numbers". I find the ...
mindcrime's user avatar
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Do my cats really know I exist?

I wonder if my cat really knows me as an individual or just a mysterious connected object that somehow has hands and legs attached to a body. When I pet him, does he know that this action originates ...
user559678's user avatar
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Are there ways to accelerate the recovery from depression via novel pharmacological antidepressants?

Are there any scientists making substantial progress in the development of far more effective antidepressants? Are there any groups of people interested in developing antidepressants based on genetic ...
Daniel Mera's user avatar
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Ritalin for treating attention and lack of focus in depression

I’d like to know if there’s research about the use of ritalin for treating attention deficit in Major Depression Disorder.
brigittethecat's user avatar
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What do you call this fear response?

In this video the baby impala does not seem to be exhibiting the classic fear responses of Fight, Flight or Freeze. Which fear response is this?
Nick H's user avatar
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What are some criticisms of HEXACO from the Big Five camp?

I read the 2009 review-ish chapter of McCrae in The Cambridge Handbook of Personality Psychology and I noticed he never once mentions HEXACO (or its 6th axis: honesty-humility), although McCrae does ...
the gods from engineering's user avatar
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Impact of pre-college schooling on IQ (WAIS)?

Introduction I'll give context for my question from personal experience, but then I'll generalize my question so that it's broadly useful. When I was a child, my mother home schooled me. When I ...
icor103's user avatar
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Name of cognitive bias where people try to use all given information regardless of quality?

In psych class, I recall learning about a cognitive bias where people are inclined to use all information available to them when making a decision, even if some of the information would be better ...
ChaseMedallion's user avatar
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In Transactional Analysis, how can one kill or at least voice down the "Critical Parent" ego state?

The Parent ego state is like a tape recorder full of pre- judged, prejudiced, pre-programmed statements. These "taped" statements can get activated while we are in our Adult or Child and then we can ...
Filip's user avatar
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Do we learn to improve our working memory capacity without sitting WM tests?

Do we learn to improve our working memory capacity without sitting WM tests? Working memory capacity can be measured, but I wondered whether the only way to improve it is learning techniques for ...
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How long it would take to form a conceptual framework to justify a belief? [duplicate]

From what I understand, the reason to set 1 week as the time between two therapy sessions is for the clients to do homework, which can be: take notes on recursive thoughts and emotions, remember ...
Ooker's user avatar
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How is illusory superiority reconciled with the false-consensus effect?

On one hand, people often seem to exhibit various forms of illusory [self-]superiority, perhaps the best known example of that being the Dunning–Kruger effect. On the other hand, the false consensus ...
the gods from engineering's user avatar
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Is there a name for the experience/ phenomenon of dreaming while being partially awake?

Is there a name for the experience/ phenomenon of dreaming while being partially awake, being able to decide to wake up when dreaming, having control of the self character in a dream, etc?
Pablo's user avatar
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Does societal view of epic musician, author's epic work affect mainly any human the way they view them overall or it's their personal life or both?

I am trying to figure out this question. It's just an inquisitive thought. Does a musician, author, novelist, poet's personal life affect a human being's personal view of that epic figure rather than ...
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Data Cleaning - Stroop Test: Trying to find a paper than cleans the stroop test for individual questions

I am looking for papers that did data cleaning on stroop test results in terms of individual questions. For example, for an individual stroop test Q, remove results that took less than 200ms and more ...
Caffae's user avatar
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Are there specialized strategies for those with slight math disabilities? [closed]

I don't have very strong Dyscalculia, but I still have a generalized math disability, and despite receiving double-time to do quizzes and exams in my Calculus 1 course, I am still struggling to ...
LuminousNutria's user avatar
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Difference between Psychology & Neuroscience in lay man terms?

I am electronics engineer by profession But i am confused in difference between Psychology & Neuroscience? Please explain in lay man terms?
DSP_CS's user avatar
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Hypotheses about neural coding and neural correlates of concepts and reasoning - at the level of neurons and synapses

Are there some hypotheses about neural coding of language, concepts and logical reasoning in the brain, about neural correlates of thoughts? When I search the books, then I find lot of books about ...
TomR's user avatar
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