Questions tagged [personality]

For questions about the individual patterns of behavior, emotion, or attitude that humans display.

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1 vote
2 answers

Where is data on percentiles of the Big Five Inventory?

I have raw scores (e.g., sums of the relevant question scores for each measure) from the Big Five Inventory (BFI). I would like to convert these into percentiles for interpretation. Where are the data ...
4 votes
1 answer

Why do males prefer females with blonde hair?

I would like to know why males prefer blonde women.
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0 answers

Is there a Lawrence of Arabia Syndroome

Let's call Lawrence of Arabia syndrome the following: Maximizes the faults of one's own culture Minimizes the achievements of one's own culture Minimizes the faults of another culture Maximizes the ...
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0 answers

Best personality inventory for employment and resources for learning it

I am looking for different personality inventories (based on big five traits) that can be used for workplace. In addition I wanted to know where can I learn about administration of these ...
1 vote
2 answers

Is there actually a correlation between emotional trauma and homosexuality

One of the key talking points I hear to disparage homosexuality is that it stems from "a lack of a strong male figure" or some variation of that, putting aside the obvious irrelevancy of argument. I ...
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0 answers

Are there books for narcissists on topic of self healing?

Search in amazon reveals a lot of books around topic of being narcissist wife, handling narcissist, leaving narcissist etc. Are there any (worthy) books for narcissists about narcissism and self ...
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1 answer

Are there any papers on the neurobiology/ neuroscience of hyper-industriousness?

I'm quite intrigued by this topic, and, unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any interesting papers on the subject...More specifically, I'd like to know more about the mechanisms that regulate ...
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1 answer

What is the "official" stance on the theory of structural dissociation?

From what I have heard, Nijenhuis's research is questionable, and ridden with abusive practices. Moreover, lots of the information that I am finding on this subject is sourced to biased seeming ...
3 votes
2 answers

What are some criticisms of HEXACO from the Big Five camp?

I read the 2009 review-ish chapter of McCrae in The Cambridge Handbook of Personality Psychology and I noticed he never once mentions HEXACO (or its 6th axis: honesty-humility), although McCrae does ...
2 votes
1 answer

Which of IQ or personality traits best predict job performance?

IQ seems to be an important predictor of job performance (close to 0.6 correlation coefficient), see here. It is said that: "Evidence from more than 100 y of research indicates that ...
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0 answers

What are the various evolutionary theories of social dominance orientation?

Are there any evolutionary explanations for how the social dominance orientation personality trait came into existence in humans and other animals? Jim Sidanius suggests that the SDO trait may be ...
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0 answers

Are BDSM sexual practices correlated with or related to social-dominance orientation?

When I think about BDSM sexual practices and sexual sadism disorder, I tend to think that it sounds like something that some people with a social dominance orientation would be interested in. This ...
16 votes
3 answers

Why are trans-women more common than trans-men?

Before I begin, note I have no animosity nor prejudice against anyone. Please keep the answers scientifically motivated. Various surveys on trans populations have shown male to female transitions are ...
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0 answers

Psychology of cheaters

I am curious to know that what kind of psychological factors influence serial cheaters. Infidelity or adultery both are considered immoral in majority of civilized societies around the world. But it ...
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0 answers

How does adaptively patterned variation explain the variety in specific personalities?

I read the article "Evolutionary perspectives on personality dynamics" by Lukaszewski, which explains that differences in personality can be explained by adaptively patterned variation. But ...
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Is there any research on what people with antisocial personality disorder think of each other?

Is there any research on how they perceive each other? Do they feel a sense of relating to one another?
6 votes
1 answer

What are the real motives of people helping to each other?

I'm wondering sometimes why people want to help someone. What are the real motives of it? The Karpman drama triangle says that 3 types of people exist and one of these types is rescuer and as I ...
14 votes
3 answers

Is there a reasonable scientific backing for Carl Jung's type theories?

I have read a lot on how most psychologists reject the Myers Briggs Type Indicator for its lack of scientific backing, but I have yet to find much information on the acceptance of Carl Jung's theories,...
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0 answers

Is the Big Five universal?

Talking about this study: Schmitt, D. P., Allik, J., McCrae, R. R., & Benet-Martínez, V. (2007). The geographic distribution of Big Five personality traits: Patterns and profiles of human self-...
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1 answer

How mental illness episode are taken into account in personality psychology?

Issue: Personality psychology investigates personality: its components, how it relates to life outcomes (job performance, income, longetivity, etc.), and also how personality evolves during life (the ...
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0 answers

What are the most important personality traits in predicting career success?

What are the most important personality traits in predicting career success? IQ has been found to be the most important factor in predicting career success (CNBC interview of John Antonakis): ″[IQ is]...
4 votes
2 answers

Why would someone state that "self-esteem doesn't exist"?

In the video "Self-esteem Doesn't Exist, the author Jordan Peterson clearly seems to argue he doesn't believe in self-esteem, given the title of the talk. However, I do not notice him mentioning ...
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3 answers

Why would cruelty evolve as a personality trait? [closed]

This question doesn't necessarily relate to sociopathy or psychopathy, but I don't mind if these are referred to. More specifically, I'm interested in learning about casual, every-day cruelty and why ...
6 votes
2 answers

How to test people's compatibility for friendship

I'd like to have a test that would predict whether two people will get along (enjoy conversation and possibly become friends) if they try? The idea is simple: many people pass the test and then, by ...
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0 answers

Are there any theories which explain why people prefer popular vs. niche content?

So I'm analyzing social media data, and I've found that some people almost exclusively consume mostly the same few categories of content, whereas others consume a more diverse array of categories. It ...
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3 answers

Have psychologists recognized how some people feel more embarrassment?

Is there a personality subtype where it’s really common to feel embarrassed about one's past self, like cringing about something you said, wrote, or did some time ago? It may change over time, but I ...
9 votes
1 answer

Are there culture-specific personality disorders?

According to Wikipedia, personality disorders are "characterized by enduring maladaptive patterns of behavior, [...] deviating from those accepted by the individual's culture.". The APA also ...
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0 answers

Confusing paragraph in a psychology book [closed]

I am currently working on translating a book called Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself by Kristin Neff. Yet, I faced a passage that I don't quite understand. Any help? BEFORE ...
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3 answers

Relationship between intelligence (IQ) and Big 5 Personality

Is there any relationship between intelligence and big five personality traits?
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Why do we have romatic feelings?

People who are asexual feel little to no sexual attraction towards others, but they can have romantic relationships. From how sexual and romantic feelings are different, it has made me start to wonder ...
4 votes
1 answer

Connections between different theories of personality

There are a several theories on personality: the Big Five personality traits, Watson en Clark's extraversion en neuroticism, Grey's Behavioural Inhibition & Behavioural Activation (BIS/BAS), ...
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1 answer

Can some people be selectively psycopathic/sociopathic towards a specific race/ethnicity of people?

Psycopaths tend to display remorselessbess while normal people don't. But imagine 18th century USA, where Slaves were considered lower than animals. Or consider, a modern day college group, where ...
5 votes
1 answer

Can a person with multiple personality disorder have one of their personality based on a real person?

Can a person with multiple personality disorder have one of their personality based on a real person encountered during their lifetime? For example, in a family with multiple children, can one of the ...
3 votes
1 answer

10-BFI test score compiling

I am a physicist and I am doing a survey about musical genre preferences and correlation with a field of study. I want to interpret the results from this test I don't know how to interpret the legend,...
8 votes
0 answers

Transgenderism and personality

Has any research been conducted to study how individuals may vary on personality inventories, for example, the Big Five, based on whether they are cisgender versus transgender? Broadly, inquiry may ...
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2 answers

Can MBTI be measured objectively?

I'm trying to figure out how MBTI would be operationalized in scientific research. How could one operationalize the different types, E, I, N, S, T, F, P and J? How could one look at numerical ...
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1 answer

What disorder might be considered opposite of the Histrionic Personality Disorder?

If a person might be considered the opposite of Narcissistic or having a Histrionic Personality disorder, what might it be called? For example, a person who feels a need to be unnoticed. Of course, I ...
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0 answers

Are neural sensitivity tests used in proving/refuting Freudian and Neo-Freudian theories?

Given that Freudian theories root their explanatory models in neurology (that is, selected extra-sensitive (erogenous) body zones), has any scientific study tried to prove/refute them, by measuring ...
3 votes
1 answer

Question regarding inferiority complex

"The more one has feelings of inferiority, the more one has a power attitude, and the more one has a power attitude, the more one has feelings of inferiority" This above paragraph was said ...
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0 answers

What kinds of characteristics and outcomes are associated with low agreeableness and high honesty–humility?

I've heard low agreeableness is correlated with low honesty–humility, under HEXACO's model. However, it seems plausible to me that one could have low agreeableness and high honesty–humility, like a ...
5 votes
0 answers

Is there literature support for the 'pop' claim that people "marry their parent"/choose a partner with traits similar to their parent(s)?

I have read multiple times that we tend to marry one of our parents. Some even claim there is no way around it. I don't really see it. There are some aspects that are similar between my spouse and my ...
2 votes
1 answer

'Describe this object to me' - To work out what type of thought process you have. What is this test called?

A friend learned heard about a test while on a Myers Briggs course and described it to me. I thought it was interesting, but I can't find anything about it since I don't know what to search for. The ...
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0 answers

Is there a concept explaining internalizing others' trauma?

I have interrelated questions about trauma and personality factors, and how the latter can possibly contribute to the former. Second Hand Trauma? Is there any concept in publications that I can ...
6 votes
0 answers

What are the eventual consequences of being a narcissist?

A close question to what I am trying to ask is Is there scientific evidence that narcissists cannot be treated?. I was wondering what are the eventual consequences of being a narcissist? Is there any ...
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0 answers

Is personality dominance a hypothetical construct or is it based in neurobiology?

There are several personality tests which have dominance as trait or type as result. In addition to this question: How to measure dominance and submissiveness? How are dominant types constructed in ...
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4 answers

What is the relationship between identity and personality?

I would like to know whether identity and personality are the same thing, as they both answer the question of who you are. Nevertheless in a cognitive approach, identity is considered a part of ...
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0 answers

Making a risk assessment type scale using existing scales

I am trying to make a risk assessment type scale that measures the likelihood/risk of someone experiencing a psychological disorder in a setting. There are about 10 factors (e.g., gender, sleep ...
6 votes
2 answers

Recent Peer Review Studies on How Many Have Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Are there any peer-reviewed studies that show what percent of the population are believed to have Narcissistic Personality Disorder that have been published within the past ten years? I have read ...
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1 answer

Can a subject develop learned helplessness without being conditioned?

In my understanding of this answer, the reason for person A to develop learned helplessness while person B to do not mostly (if not totally) boils down to the explanation styles of the two. But then ...
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3 answers

How to distinguish introvert personality, social anxiety disorder and mild autism?

There are the following similarities between introvert personality type, Social anxiety disorder and mild autism Disinterest in social interaction Interested in objects than people May be afraid of ...

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