Questions tagged [emotion]

For questions regarding the concepts (e.g., happy, sad, angry) that we use to describe the changes in cognition, behavior, and experience that occur in response to physiological and environmental stimuli.

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2 votes
0 answers

I can't request IAPS (International Affective Picture System)

I'm going to run a survey experiment that induces some emotions, To do so, I'd like to put IAPS pictures as manipulations of emotions. These images can induce emotions such as anger, disgust, etc, and ...
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0 answers

Is Google's Project Aristotle based on a published study?

Google's Project Aristotle (wayback machine) is relatively well known in the tech world. It emphasizes the important relationship between psychological safety and team productivity. On a few occasions,...
5 votes
2 answers

Can someone be healed from a long-held addiction or compulsive disorder in an instant and without therapy due to a dramatic spiritual experience?

Can someone be healed from a long-held addiction or compulsive disorder in an instant due to a dramatic spiritual experience and without therapy? My question is motivated by multiple conversion ...
7 votes
1 answer

Is there any neuroscience research on the emotion of feeling nothing?

When people entering anechoic chambers, logically there is a sensation of silence because relatively speaking, the sound levels are much lower compared to some normal baseline Likewise, when there is ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is emotional detachment a maladaptive coping mechanism, an important skill for people thrust into extreme situations or both?

Reading the Wikipedia article about Emotional detachment raised my eyebrow. It says: Emotional detachment is a maladaptive coping mechanism, which allows a person to react calmly to highly emotional ...
4 votes
2 answers

Why do individuals initially dislike things that they end up ultimately liking?

Background: I noticed with a lot of things, but especially music I tend to hate certain songs and albums initially but they always seem to grow on me, and vice versa. I noticed this pattern in a lot ...
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0 answers

How does logic affect emotions?

It is seen that logical reasoning of a human can be affected to a great extent by emotions. If you are feeling sad, you are more likely to reach a negative conclusion through logical reasoning than ...
3 votes
1 answer

Scientific references and experimental protocols for identifying emotions in animals other than mammals?

QUESTION: Which experimental protocols can be used to study formally the presence or absence of emotions in non verbal beings, such as other animals than humans? Is there a survey about such results ...
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Does such a theory exist?

Is there any model that describes how people behave while taking compositions of emotions into account? Such as, how different the behavior of a person is when he is (10% angry + 50% sad + 40% some ...
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Why do we explore?

I'm keep trying to list some of strong motivations to explain our "inner curiosity". But, the subject and this question are very broad, therefore I will give you some context. So, why do we ...
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Why isn't horniness in the list of Ekman's six basic emotions?

Does the basic emotion research consider horniness an emotion, does it consider it to be an aspect of one of the other six basic emotions? Did Ekman and other researchers ignore it because it's harder ...
7 votes
2 answers

Is "Emotional Pain Addiction" real?

Question Is "Emotional Pain Addiction" a real phenomenon, a legitimate concept? Definition Emotional pain can become an addiction. A negative feeling, such as anger, worry, grief, fear, ...
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What is Core Affect?

Can someone explain what is core affect however for a person without much understanding in psychology? I have a book which mentions that core affect generally can tell you for example if you are OK or ...
7 votes
1 answer

What is an effective way of working with core beliefs/schemas?

In CBT one of the core concepts is ANTs (automatic negative thoughts) that form the basis of depressive feelings: they are repetitive, conscious, mostly ungrounded negative thoughts about one's ...
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0 answers

Could a superintelligent spider be more human like than a normal spider? (or any other animal) [closed]

From a text (1) about AI and, in particular, ASI (Artificial Superintelligence) A guinea pig is a mammal and on some biological level, I feel a connection to it—but a spider is an insect, with an ...
6 votes
1 answer

What are the real motives of people helping to each other?

I'm wondering sometimes why people want to help someone. What are the real motives of it? The Karpman drama triangle says that 3 types of people exist and one of these types is rescuer and as I ...
12 votes
2 answers

What is the most comprehensive system of describing human emotions or states of mind?

Reading about the human mind, I sometimes come across attempts to classify human emotions using various scales. The one that comes to mind most often is the 6 scale circle model shown below. Is ...
2 votes
1 answer

What is it called when manipulating the body, such as with a smile, triggers emotion?

Normally we smile as a consequence of being happy, but psychologists have, over the years investigated the idea that smiling itself can cause happiness. So, we have the concept of a physical act ...
3 votes
2 answers

What is the term for the inability to see past one's own current emotional state?

I'm looking for a specific latin or greek word that describes something like the inability to empathize with emotions that are not in line with one's current affective state. It could probably be ...
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2 answers

Is it possible to not recognize an emotion as unpleasant when it is unpleasant?

This question is indirectly related to [another question in SE][1]: "Is "Emotional Pain Addiction" real?". Question: Is it possible to not recognize an emotion as unpleasant when ...
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Emotional Intelligence and perceiving emotions

One of the components of Emotional Intelligence is to be able perceive emotions in oneself: "Salovey and Mayer's conception of EI strives to define EI within the confines of the standard criteria ...
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0 answers

Which of the appraisal theory of emotions or the construction theory of emotions tends to be proved the most correct?

The accepted answer of this SE questions states that "The meta-analytic evidence seems to favor the [constructionist] view [over the basic emotion view], but there's still a buttload of work to ...
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How are related basic/constructionist theories of emotions and James-Lange-Theory/Cannon-Bard-Theory/... of emotions?

In this SE question about "What causes emotions?", there are two answers, one which discusses the distinction between basic emotion theorists (Ekman) and constructionists (Russell, Watson), ...
1 vote
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Why an emotion is "often" accompanied by a bodily reaction?

Baumeister and Bushman (2007) have given this definition of emotion: a subjective state, often accompanied by a bodily reaction (e.g., increased heart rate) and an evaluative response, to some event ...
12 votes
0 answers

What are the neurological differences between varying types of love?

It stands to reason that the biochemical cascade involved when a person experiences love, gives a feeling of well-being and drive. Studies in neuroscience have involved chemicals that are present ...
2 votes
2 answers

Where exactly do Emotions and Feelings arise in the human body?

Traditionally, the heart region was always associated with emotions and feelings in humans. But in one recent philosophy lecture I watched on Youtube, the orator said that the right brain is, in fact, ...
5 votes
0 answers

How do psychopaths manage to fake and regulate emotions effectively?

Context It is well established in the literature on emotions and emotion regulation (Barańczuk, 2019) that effective methods to regulate emotions are antecedent-focused, that is, they are the emotion ...
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Is there such a thing as "emotional impedance"?

More specifically, what I would call emotional reactance. What this is would be the emotional equivalent of electrical reactance(which is the opposition to changes in voltage and current flow). So a ...
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Transplant patients experiencing changes in preferences to match their donors

Similar to Where exactly do Emotions and Feelings arise in the human body?, I have been hearing of a phenomenon where transplant patients have been experiencing changes in preferences to match their ...
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0 answers

Is appraisal theory of emotion beaten by the theory of constructed emotion?

I'm learning narrative comprehension and trying to integrate emotional theories with models for narrative comprehension. Appraisal theory looks like a good fit, but most of the recent studies about ...
5 votes
1 answer

Can new emotions be created or discovered?

Related: Are there emotions that only some people can feel? Is there any known observed or theoretical process by which new emotions could be observed or discovered? Although one may argue over the ...
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3 answers

Have psychologists recognized how some people feel more embarrassment?

Is there a personality subtype where it’s really common to feel embarrassed about one's past self, like cringing about something you said, wrote, or did some time ago? It may change over time, but I ...
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0 answers

How are emotions and thoughts connected?

How are emotions and thoughts connected? _Are certain emotions triggering certain types of thoughts? _How is the link between emotions and thoughts materialized in the brain and the body?
9 votes
1 answer

How does our brain consider something to be funny?

What makes something that we watch (a clown's antics, hidden camera pranks, etc.), hear (jokes), read (satire), or do (pranks) be perceived as funny? Even babies find certain actions and sounds funny,...
6 votes
3 answers

What are the effects of casual sex on men versus women?

There is a lot of research citing that men are more physically primed for sex than women. Graziottin (2004) discusses this difference and other differences of strength and vulnerabilities between the ...
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Confusing paragraph in a psychology book [closed]

I am currently working on translating a book called Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself by Kristin Neff. Yet, I faced a passage that I don't quite understand. Any help? BEFORE ...
1 vote
1 answer

Response bias in physical and sexual attraction/attractiveness surveys

There are a few potential sources of response bias in surveys intended to measure attractiveness levels of individuals, especially in the context of differences in personal qualities of judges. ...
14 votes
5 answers

Why do humans need emotions?

If the emotions' only purpose is to stimulate certain behavior, why can't this task just as effectively, or even more effectively be done by the reasoning part of the brain? Are emotions really ...
10 votes
2 answers

What adjectives can be used to describe emotional intelligence competences?

After reading the book Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, I'm having a difficult time comparing emotional intelligence (EQ) with Intelligence Quotient (IQ). When talking about someone's IQ we ...
11 votes
2 answers

Why is an image of a face without features disturbing?

Below is a snapshot of an article linked from LinkedIn today. What I find more disturbing than the topic at hand is the featured image used to head up the article. Clearly it's important to provide ...
10 votes
2 answers

Why are humans the only species to maintain relationships with other animals simply for pleasure?

In the wild, animals may share waterholes, and grazing areas. Some animals have symbiotic relationships one example being the hippopotamus and the oxpecker bird. The symbiotic relationships are based ...
4 votes
0 answers

When does authentic pride become hubris pride?

There are two kinds of pride: hubris pride and authentic pride¹. "Authentic pride is tied to adaptive achievement and goal engagement, whereas hubristic pride is tied to extrinsic values of ...
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0 answers

Term for someone that makes themselves sad to pass it onto others?

Is there a term for somebody that will purposely make themselves feel sad, and perhaps other negative feelings, with the intention of making another person feel them too? This would be a way of ...
9 votes
0 answers

Is the symbolic meaning of dark/black and light/white innate in humans?

Dark/black and light/white have symbolic meanings(1, 2). Dark/black represents, among others: Grief, evil, mystery (often with hidden threats), lack of knowledge, etc. Light/white represtents, among ...
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0 answers

Is Mark Manson's meta-feeling table based on any theory?

Mark Manson from the article Fuck Your Feelings introduces this table of what he calls "meta-feelings": Feeling Bad About Feeling Bad (Self-Loathing)Excessive self-criticismAnxious/Neurotic ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to care less about other people's income?

If we know that our colleagues earn more money, we feel worse (see also A study about preference for making relatively vs. absolute more money?). We would be unhappy to get a higher salary if other ...
6 votes
2 answers

Why do we scream in pain and fear?

Why do humans (other living things too, but not sure) scream and make high pitched sounds when in pain* or when in fear that something painful* will imminently be inflicted upon them? * both ...
3 votes
2 answers

Term for how anxiety makes people think abnormally?

For a paper I'm writing, I want to make a point about how anxiety changes the way people think - i.e., the same person in the same situation might think differently depending on whether or not they ...
1 vote
1 answer

Psychological analysis of diary data [closed]

I am using the app Daylio and I have already get 160 days and over 300 records. App itself has the ability to analyze data, very simple and weak. E.g, what activities take place together; how the mood ...
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0 answers

"You wouldn't say bad about a team you belong, would you?" [closed]

Is the phrase "you wouldn't say bad about a team you belong, would you?" a form of manipulation? Does this type of manipulation have a specific name/term?

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