Questions tagged [correlation]

For questions relating to correlational studies involving the exploration of statistical relationships.

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Is there a correlation between long-term memory and academic success in STEM?

There are underlying fundamentals and first principles, especially in STEM that continue to be built upon but can get neglected and forgotten over time without practice. Obviously having a great ...
Epsilon_Delta's user avatar
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How are attachment styles linked to personality disorders

There are three different patterns of behavior in the so called strange situation in which the caregiver leaves the infant for a while and a stranger comes in the room. These behavioral patterns are ...
Borut Flis's user avatar
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What is the correlation between the level of education and number of friends?

I have heard, that a study was performed, maybe in Brazil, and it showed that a correlation was found – more educated people have less friends. I was unable to google this work. Maybe somebody here ...
Linkey's user avatar
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Correlation of g and Honesty, Rationality, etc?

Are there any meta-analyses reporting the correlations of g (IQ, general mental ability) with: Honesty-Humility (e.g. in HEXACO model). I know Conscientiousness (of Big Five) generally has zero ...
kayan1's user avatar
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Example Nonlinear Relationship Not Detected by Pearson, Kendall, Spearman Correlation

In psychology, we often investigate whether two variables are related. We often investigate this with Pearson's, Kendall's or Spearman's correlation. The obvious drawback of those methods is that they ...
Julian Karch's user avatar
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Model of human estimation of correlation tasks

I am looking for a model (bayesian or not) on how people would estimate the correlation between two variables from a given scatter plot. Any one knows of such model?
amaatouq's user avatar
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Research on Distribution of Enneagram Types in a Given Profession

I was in a conversation with an Enneagram scholar who claimed that certain Enneagram types are more likely to hold certain specific positions or have certain professions. Is there any data or has ...
Smovies's user avatar
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What is the correlation coefficient between household wealth and educational attainment?

Educational attainment being years of education. I'm looking for r or r^2. Preferably in a western, anglophone country like the US or England.
BigMistake's user avatar
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Choice of statistical analysis for correlational study

Good morning, I am writing a dissertation for my master's degree in psychology. I have to do statistical studies on data that I have collected. I want to proceed with a correlational analysis. ...
lau.'s user avatar
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About the relation of the smell and costumers willing to buy (Neuromarketing Field)

I am trying to find some academic paper or the internet posts about The effect of concentration and type of odor (irritating or relaxing) on the willingness of customers for buy. So I searched the ...
Soheil Paper's user avatar