Questions tagged [brain-injury]

For questions on traumatic or congenital injury to the central nervous system.

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3 votes
1 answer

Is Tinnitus caused by damage to the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) or Auditory Cortex, which can be repaired?

It is well known that loud noises can lead to hearing problems such as temporary hearing loss or tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and even permanent hearing loss. But this is the first time scientists ...
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1 answer

Jung's Anima and Neurological Basis in Split-Brain Patients; Left-Persona and Right-Anima

So, having skimmed some studies on split-brain patients, it makes me wonder about the whole "left-brain/right-brain" dichotomy that made its rounds in public perception some time ago. I'm not sure ...
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0 answers

Is there a mechanism behind savantism shared by all savant cases (both congenital and acquired)?

Kim Peek (the real-life inspiration for Raymond Babbitt in Rain Man) had a spectacular case of savantism. He also had disabilities, like missing his corpus callosum and anterior commissure, leaving ...
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0 answers

The full range of implications of LATL damage

I'm studying the phenomenon of acquired savant syndrome, and the literature I've read till now frames it as such (not a quote, just my understanding): Savant syndrome occurs when the left anterior ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Cerebrum and Cerebellum split?

What happens when cerebrum and cerebellum are surgically separated (or partially separated)? Is this lethal, and if not, what are consequences for brain operations?
3 votes
1 answer

Are there cases of drug addict that "forget" their addiction after some brain damages?

I'm interested in what I naively call "memory of addiction" - i.e. the brain restructuration that drugs addicts have and which causes the addict to need more and more to be satisfied. Then, ...
18 votes
2 answers

Does the fusiform face area in patients with Prosopagnosia (face blindness) show lower activity under an fMRI?

I watched last night's episode of 60 minutes (and part 2) about Prosopagnosia (Face Blindness) and found it absolutely fascinating. They mentioned in the segment (Around 5:22 into the second part of ...
20 votes
5 answers

If someone becomes a split-brain patient, which side will "maintain" the continuity in their consciousness?

The brain injury might apparently produce two "independent" consciousnesses, and I'm wondering where the original person's "consciousness" would "transfer". We had a debate on this over at Reddit ...
1 vote
0 answers

Can Jason Padgett’s head injury be replicated? [duplicate]

In 2002, a man named Jason Padgett was mugged and suffered a concussion. Now he sees the world through geometric shapes, and he is basically a mathematical genius. If a neuroscientist was to examine ...
3 votes
1 answer

Re-arrangement of brain's functions

In a neuroscience class, I was told that if some part of the brain gets damaged somehow and it's early enough, the functionalities of that part of the brain are rearranged to another part of the brain....
3 votes
1 answer

Scientific findings of strobe lights and the brain

While there is a lot of general discussion and articles on the web that strobe lights cause epileptic seizures - I am looking for more specific data. Perhaps scientific references, papers or articles ...
9 votes
1 answer

Death from sleep deprivation, what physical mechanism is failing that makes one not to be alive anymore?

I have been reading on wiki about sleep deprivation it would appear that one can die without sleep... I have heard that it was used as torture method by quite a few agencies, but didn't know that one ...
5 votes
2 answers

Why does injury cause brief unconsciousness?

I suppose I'm thinking specifically about head injuries, though this question applies to any injury that causes unconsciousness for, say, a few minutes. If you would revive so soon, why would you fall ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a link between brain injuries (TBI) and PTSD?

Could (TBI) Traumatic brain injuries be linked to Post Traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD)? I know there is a lot of concern with veterans and PTSD, but I am more interested in all the other situations/...
1 vote
0 answers

Interpretation of Halstead-Reitan Impairment Index Parameter

How does one best interpret the Halstead-Reitan Index ranging from 0.0 to 1 ? How closely is this assessment of neurocognition subsequent to injury correlated to structural arrangement of the brain ...
3 votes
0 answers

Do we know what is happening inside the brain when a person is hit in the head?

For the purposes of this question, I will use the example of a legally sanctioned athletic contest (i.e., a boxing match), rather than criminal activity or accidents, but the question certainly ...
3 votes
3 answers

Can repetitive sports-related head injuries make a person senile many years later?

Would repetitive football injuries to the cranium show up decades later, causing symptoms resembling mild retardation, OCD, etc.? What is the best way to determine this in terms of imaging, testing, ...
2 votes
1 answer

Can brain hemisphere activity/ dominance be inferred from the test subject's drawings?

I'm aware that all tasks that a person undertakes involve both halves of the brain. At the same time, there are studies of people who have communication between brain halves severed or suppressed and ...
1 vote
2 answers

What would happen if we cut the corpus callosum?

How would a two-halved brain work? If it would, could we still control things like motion, and would hearing, vision, and other senses still function?
4 votes
1 answer

What causes seizures to develop years after a childhood brain injury?

A friend of mine told me that her daughter was in an accident prior to the age of 12 which resulted in head trauma and brain damage. The child went through an extensive recovery process (relearning ...
9 votes
1 answer

Can stress be detected by an fMRI?

How does stress damage the brain (if at all)? Is it akin to taking drugs, heavy drinking, or a minor stroke? Would an fMRI of a stressed person present evidence of stress?
9 votes
1 answer

How do Hemispatial Neglect patients react when told of their disability?

Hemispatial Neglect patients are known to have Anosognosia meaning they don't recognize their disability. These patients neglect either their left or right field of vision entirely, as if they couldn'...